How In-Building Wireless Can Increase Property Value

May 08, 2020 2 minute read

In-building Wireless for a commercial building

Today’s world is digital and hyper-connected, and modern business is conducted through video chats, conference calls, and email exchanges. Unsurprisingly, providing fast and dependable wireless coverage can add value to commercial real estate, and is quickly becoming a necessary amenity that leasing decision-makers take into serious consideration.

Why is Dependable Wireless Connectivity so Important?

A strong in-building wireless network creates reliable connectivity for tenants and guests. It can also improve property management, and perhaps most importantly, provide first respondents with a consistent communication channel. 

Provides the Best Business and Guest Experience

In today’s increasingly connected world, employees bring their own devices to the workplace, and guests and clients are likely to as well. To support this level of connectivity across a multitude of devices and maintain a productive work environment, commercial retail spaces require a robust wireless network. 

84% of businesses said they would pay more per square footage in a commercial space if the property owner could provide evidence of the building’s reliable wireless connection.

Private in-building wireless does not depend on external cellular service providers or saturated Wi-Fi networks and provides dependable coverage from the corner of the basement to the top of the roof.

Facilitates Efficient Building Management

Facility personnel, including tenants, can also benefit from having seamless connectivity throughout the building. Communication and mobile connectivity are essential for property management and maintenance staff to perform their duties efficiently. In a survey of property management staff, half of the responses stated that the most impactful factor in productivity was the ability to work and connect from anywhere on the property at any time.

New building materials used in modern infrastructure can create physical barriers to cellular provider signals. Installing in-building wireless has the dual advantage of working everywhere while also reducing the number of providers within a single property.

Assists Rapid Response from Public Safety Services

“Dead” cellular network zones in buildings affect more than those working, residing, or passing through the building as they try to text or email. In fact, it can be an immediate danger for first responders in the event of an emergency

With in-building wireless coverage, first responders don’t have to depend on weak signals or saturated Wi-Fi networks for their two-way radios to communicate seamlessly. This type of widespread coverage abides by the standards laid out by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and/or the International Fire Code (IFC) and helps integrate public safety communication channels with the existing network on the property. Additionally, in-building wireless enables anyone on the property to call emergency services from anywhere without fear of a “dead” zone or weak signal.

Increasing Property Value with In-Building Wireless

With over 80% of wireless traffic originating indoors, providing robust in-building wireless connectivity is a top priority for commercial real estate owners. While most office communications can work through Wi-Fi or cellular networks, a private in-building wireless network provides a strong, reliable signal throughout the entire property that won’t get muddled or weakened, and provides a safer environment for all.

Boosting productivity, efficiency, and safety for all those who work at, live in, or visit a facility  can increase the property value in the not-so-long run and simplifies wireless connectivity even in the most complex of environments, from commercial retail space to hospitals to campuses.

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