
Headquartered in Albany, New York, ANS is a turnkey EF&I (Engineering, Furnishing and Installation) provider of telecommunications solutions. The services ANS offers to its customers are In-Building Wireless, Tower Services, Network Infrastructure, DC Power Systems, Monitoring and Maintenance and EV Charging Stations. The ANS product lines are run by dedicated teams of subject matter experts who ensure that each project is completed to customer specifications on-time and on-budget. With demonstrated success with small projects, all the way to multi-million dollar building expansions, raw land builds, and campus wireless deployments, ANS personnel have the specific experience needed for whatever mission critical communications project you may have. The company also provides communications system and DC power system test and turn up, and 24-7 maintenance and monitoring services.

ANS provides these turnkey solutions to its customers and partners in the telecommunications industry, in the enterprise IT and datacenter community, healthcare services industry and in higher education. The ANS suite of services is provided from Chicago to the Northeast and down the East Coast with as-needed support nationwide. To provide the best customer service and project management, ANS has warehouse and office locations in Albany, NY (Headquarters), Queens, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Columbus, OH, Sarasota, FL and Springfield, IL.

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ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC was started in 1991 as Telecommunications Analysis Group, Inc. with a focus on communications and telephone networks in the enterprise and higher education market. Subsequent to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the company began working with telephone companies and equipment manufacturers in order to manage the required network equipment deployment and challenges associated with the deployment.

As local telephone competition developed throughout the late-1990’s, the need for communications infrastructure grew rapidly and the Network Services division was there to provide high-quality Engineer, Furnish and Install (EF&I) services to build and develop the infrastructure.

Over the past 18 years, the company has added to its suite of services in order to best serve its customers. The ANS suite of services covers In-Building Wireless, Monitoring & Maintenance, EV Charging Stations, Tower Services, Network Infrastructure, DC Power Systems and UPS Backup Batteries


At ANS, all daily operations are governed by our corporate Quality Management System (QMS). This system was developed in 1998 and is proactively updated to meet the changing needs of our business.

The ANS QMS is administered by a dedicated Quality Management team, which conducts frequent internal quality audits, generates extensive quality metrics, documents all quality-related company activity, and facilitates external audits by customers and independent auditors.

ANS’ quality management system provides our clients benefits such as:

  • Continuous improvement of service to subscribers
  • Enhanced customer/supplier relationships
  • Standardization of quality system requirements, worldwide
  • Uniform performance and cost-based metrics
  • Efficient management of external audits and site visits
  • Overall cost reduction and increased competitiveness
  • Enhanced competitive position for conforming suppliers
  • Creation of a platform for improvement initiatives

Diverse Needs

ANS recognizes the tangible and intangible benefits of diversity in business. For this reason, ANS has established and follows an internal diversity policy, as well as a corporate Supplier Diversity Plan.

Supplier Diversity Goals
Following the lead of the major carrier companies and equipment manufacturers in the industry, it is the goal of ANS to award a minimum of eighteen percent (18%) of our subcontracting agreements to contractors or vendors that are government-certified Minority, Woman, or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (MWDVBEs).

Target Areas for Supplier Diversity
In order to reach our supplier diversity goals, ANS will continue to expand our use of MWDVBE companies in the following in the procurement, logistics, and supplemental staffing aspects of our business. Currently, ANS obtains more than seventy percent (70%) of these services from MWDVBE companies.

Supplier Diversity Requirements for Subcontractors
As part of our overall Supplier Diversity Plan, ANS will also require every subcontractor awarded subcontracts in excess of $500,000 ($1,000,000 for construction) to have their own supplier diversity plan. This plan must be approved by ANS prior to any contract award, contract modification, or purchase order issuance.

Workforce Diversity
It is also important to ANS to embrace diversity in our direct workforce. Currently, approximately twenty percent (20%) of ANS colleagues throughout the organization are of minority status. ANS is an equal opportunity employer and strives to offer the greatest opportunity for minorities, women and disabled veterans to become part of the ANS team.